Tag Archives: B&W

Vote Christina Maria – Peak Performance Project

You may recognize Christina Maria from a few weeks back when I wrote about her for the Song of the Day. Now I write about her again, well, because her music is worth another listen for one…AND for two she is currently in a competition in Vancouver put on by a local radio station called The Peak 100.5.

The Peak sends 20 local artists through a boot camp called the Peak Performance Project. At the end of boot camp the 20 artist can be voted on and the winner gets $100,500!!! 2nd is $75,000, 3rd is $50,000, 4th is $10,000, 5th is $5,000. Since this is a Vancouver based radio station I imagine that’s Canadian Dollars, but still…we are talking a significant amount of money to help launch this young ladies musical career.

You can skip the rest of this if you’d rather just watch me explain it in this YouTube video…or you can do both, but you’ll probably find the information in both places. There will be plenty of links in this post and in the description box of my video.

Voting is easy! Just go to THIS site and find Christina Maria. (Order of Artists will vary)
Click on her face
Scroll to the bottom and Click “Next”

The next page will ask for:
Your Name
Your Email Address
Your City
And to verify you have blood running through your veins and aren’t a robot voting machine a Captcha will ask you to type the words you see in the image.
Click Submit and you are done!

Thanks so much for helping. Christina will personally thank everyone with cupcakes in a door to door tour across the word if she wins. Ok, I made that last part up, but if you truly love the music you hear from her and want to hear more then this money would really help! Feel free to share this contest with others. Link my blog, or her Facebook Event, or my Video…or anything that could possibly bring some more votes her way.


Christina Maria’s Homepage


Facebook Event

Week #2 Photo a Day Challenge

Here’s Week #2 Photos.

June 27th: A storm just passed through tonight when I was about to leave Springfield. The sky was a strange orange/yellow. Messing with some of the shutter speeds I got this house across the street to look much creepier than it actually was…though it was still creepy!

June 28th: Panorama: 3 Shots

Beautiful sunset as I was getting off work today. My neighbors must think I’m crazy when I drive like a psycho stop in front of my house leave the car on and the door open, sprint inside sprint back out with my camera and speed off again. Gonna have to start remembering to bring my camera with me to work..but then I leave it there on accident…it’s quite the dilemma.

For a larger pic click here: http://i776.photobucket.com/albums/yy46/Prafeston/PanoramaSunset.jpg

June 29th: Didn’t get to take any pics until after work today so I just took some random shots around the house. Something about the texture and the shadows really stood out to me in this picture.

June 30th: I took a bunch of crap photos today. This is the only one I liked. My mom was watering the flowers while telling me not to take pictures of her! 🙂 I spent most of my time after work today writing lyrics for a contest on YouTube put on by one of my favorite YouTube Musicians. If you wanna see it check out this post: https://prafeston.wordpress.com/2010/07/01/kina-grannis-co-write-pre-chorus-chorus/

July 1st: On the way down to Texas me and the step bros stopped in Springfield so they could visit their grandmother in the hospital. I had some time to kill why they were inside so I took a bunch of pictures in the parking lot. Really liked a couple of the ones I took of my wheels. YAY B&W!!

July 2nd: I’ve been perfecting the shoot from the hip method and as you don’t always get great shots you can catch people off guard or just get angles you wouldn’t normally get from setting them up properly. They don’t always turn out this good, and I probably had some better shots on this day, but I kept coming back to this one cause I like how it turned out and the fact I shot it holding the camera at my side I’m quite proud of it.

July 3rd: I was trying to get some good shots of the pool at night, but I had an audience of my step bro and dad so I ended up taking some funny pics of them playing around with the shutter speed set at 6 seconds. This was the first one we took. I thought Trevor did a good job standing still for so long so it was definitely worthy of Photo of the Day!

Week #1 Photo a Day Challenge

Last Sunday I decided to start a Photo a Day Challenge. Every Sunday I’ll be posting up the photos from the week. Here’s week #1!

June 20th: Today was Father’s Day and I was hoping to get a good shot of my dad for my first day of the 365 Challenge. This ended up being one of my favorite shots of the day though. Love my little Jackson dog!

My little boy

June 21st: After work I walked around campus as there are some great lights on some of the buildings at night. Took a lot shots I liked, but really liked this one. I was playing around with purposefully over exposing the shot and there was just something surreal about this one. This was at around 9:15pm so there was very little light left in the sky. That is the moon above the smoke stack.

June 22nd: Audio Mixer at my work. This unit controls 26 desk mics. Needless to say things can get a little hectic at times. I actually tried messing around with some of the effects in iPhoto before posting this one. I turned down the color a few notches on this one as it was a little yellowy due to my bad white balance.

June 23rd: There is an old shed at my dad’s house and it’s full of things of time gone by. Snapped this picture of a pile of fishing rods after having no luck getting some good shots of pistons, antlers, and turkey feet. I’m having fun messing with the easy edit options in iPhoto. This one has an edge blur and I messed with some of the exposure and contrast settings.

June 24th: Had dinner with my step brother tonight and I brought some brews…tried to take some artsy pictures while the sun was setting and we were waiting for the burgers to grill.

June 25th: Left for Springfield today and noticed these flowers had bloomed over night at my mom’s house. Wish I had a macro lens, but I still think this one turned out pretty good.

June 26th: Lots of pictures were taken today. I was in Springfield for the C-Street Jam. Saw my good friends in Truett & the Traitors as well as Ha Ha Tonka. I took some really good shots today, but Rick on the drums was just really into it tonight so I wanted to post one of his shots.