Tag Archives: White

Week #1 Photo a Day Challenge

Last Sunday I decided to start a Photo a Day Challenge. Every Sunday I’ll be posting up the photos from the week. Here’s week #1!

June 20th: Today was Father’s Day and I was hoping to get a good shot of my dad for my first day of the 365 Challenge. This ended up being one of my favorite shots of the day though. Love my little Jackson dog!

My little boy

June 21st: After work I walked around campus as there are some great lights on some of the buildings at night. Took a lot shots I liked, but really liked this one. I was playing around with purposefully over exposing the shot and there was just something surreal about this one. This was at around 9:15pm so there was very little light left in the sky. That is the moon above the smoke stack.

June 22nd: Audio Mixer at my work. This unit controls 26 desk mics. Needless to say things can get a little hectic at times. I actually tried messing around with some of the effects in iPhoto before posting this one. I turned down the color a few notches on this one as it was a little yellowy due to my bad white balance.

June 23rd: There is an old shed at my dad’s house and it’s full of things of time gone by. Snapped this picture of a pile of fishing rods after having no luck getting some good shots of pistons, antlers, and turkey feet. I’m having fun messing with the easy edit options in iPhoto. This one has an edge blur and I messed with some of the exposure and contrast settings.

June 24th: Had dinner with my step brother tonight and I brought some brews…tried to take some artsy pictures while the sun was setting and we were waiting for the burgers to grill.

June 25th: Left for Springfield today and noticed these flowers had bloomed over night at my mom’s house. Wish I had a macro lens, but I still think this one turned out pretty good.

June 26th: Lots of pictures were taken today. I was in Springfield for the C-Street Jam. Saw my good friends in Truett & the Traitors as well as Ha Ha Tonka. I took some really good shots today, but Rick on the drums was just really into it tonight so I wanted to post one of his shots.